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The Bankrupt (Original title)
Date: 27 November 1972 (Television)

Country: United Kingdom

Director: Christopher Morahan

Synopsis: After his release from hospital a mental patient who has completely erased his past, returns to the home of his working-class father. He is oppressed by dreams in which he is the victim of black magic rituals, and the people in his life crowd in on him.


Series title:

TV Transmissions
Date: 27 November 1972Broadcast channel: BBC1Country: United KingdomTransmission time: 21:25-22:40Slot duration: 75 minsNetwork - Language: English - Colour - Sound

Credits (5)
Production Company: BBC TV, Producer: Graeme McDonald, Script: David Mercer, Designer: Richard Wilmot
Cast (7)
Joss Ackland (Ellis Cripper), Sheila Allen (Angela), David Waller (Gowran Cripper), Alethea Charlton (Anne), Peter Cellier (James), Bob Hoskins (taxi driver), John Woodnutt (doctor)